December 16, 2004
Yes. Cards! The Xmas kind!
Email me your address at goldie01 at bigpond dot com, and you too can get get a sneak peak of Santa surfing here DownUnder.
Yes, even my foreign friends! But let me know now so it gets to you in time... I've left it a bit late this year ;)
posted by
goldie @
12:33 PM
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Holiday Linkin'
Excerpt: Today is the day I am going to (gasp!) start my Christmas shopping. See, I really wanted to get a jump on it so this year I decided not to wait until the last minute. Wish me luck. And in...
Weblog: ipsoblogo
Tracked: December 17, 2004 06:33 AM
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Excerpt: nice pics photos
Weblog: some nice amateurs
Tracked: October 17, 2005 12:29 AM
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Excerpt: some software tips
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Tracked: October 17, 2005 12:43 AM
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Excerpt: sweet babes outdoor
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Tracked: October 17, 2005 08:23 PM
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Excerpt: thank you
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Tracked: November 7, 2005 04:44 PM
Do you need mine again? :)
I'm signing up for this one!
E-mail to arrive shortly...
But Goldie, dearest, I didn't get a Hanuka card from you! I feel so ... abandoned! Sniff...
« Close
December 05, 2004
sexy in my own skin
I must say... while I knew my Xmas skin was just a wee bit racy, I had no idea how much attention it would capture (thanks erosblog and fellow MuNuvians Attila and Harvey). Seriously! Not that I don't love it of course, being the DQ that I am ;).
All I told Julie (of Blogmoxie fame) back in October was that I wanted to 'moon' Xmas. I'm a bit of a bah humbug you see, as this entry from this time last year will attest to.
I gave her a free reign - fun, cartoon, sexy, retro, whatever, and when she found the image in the top right after days and days of searching, she knew straight away it was The One. As did I when I saw it for the first time.
Anyways, I'd better be off. I have an Xmas lunch to attend. Hey! There's food involved, OK?! I'm not vetoing lunch with good friends simply because there may be Xmas crackers on the table...
posted by
goldie @
10:16 AM
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I love it! Giggled the second it loaded, I did. You. Go. Girl. ;o)
love it! merry crack-mas!
ok, that was dumb. :-p
I just can't get enough of that pic, myself.
That little crease where the cheek meets the leg just drives me crazy :-)
Holy cow, one of the best blog designs I have seen!!!! I was reading another blog and it mentioned your skin so I had to check it out,
I totally love the naughty x-mas ass! LOVE IT!
I too was a retail slave for more years than I'd like to admit. Once you get into retail, it's soo hard to break out... and that is what you have to do - break out! It's like escaping prison. I'm freeee! Woooo-hoo! Glad you got out too!
who knew an innocent little Christmas skin would cause such a stir. hehehehe
And to think I hadn't been back since the resignation.
Nice bum. It cleans up awfully nice. Like how the undies are on over the garter.
Congrats on the managerial position by the way.
Merry Xmas. By the way you have got such a nie blog.
I think it's pretty damn sexy. Good job!
Am blogrolling you. :-)
« Close
October 12, 2004
We closed out an amazingly successful 10 days of the 2004 Boobie-Thon at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Sunday night, October 10th.
Our total raised...drumroll please...was $8696.30. That's over $1650 more than the total take for the 2003 event!
We raised a staggering $8241.30 for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation during our 10-day event this year. Since the Boobie-Thon kicked off in 2002, we've raised a total of $16,178.75 for Komen!
What a fine, fine effort. Congratulations to everyone involved - donors, boobie-owners and promotors alike - for coming out in 'support'
*groan* of boobies everywhere!
More »
Just between you and me, I didn't enjoy it at all. Nope. Not me. It wasn't a buzz to see my rack online at all.
« I'm finished
posted by
goldie @
09:43 AM
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I'm totally admit that I tingled seeing my rack online.
So much so that I submitted nearly a dozen photos.
Yes... seeing your rack online is exciting.... lotsa fun even.... yessss......
Now, perhaps I can interest you in some work on my new website...
Did we ever get a direct link to Helen boobies? Because I didn't find them for certain. And I'd very much like to.
I gotta say, Boobie-Thon is one of the best ideas I've ever heard of. Hands down.
Great cause, great bunch of people involved, great racks! Yes!
I will say that I have passed into the Fuddy Duddys of America phase in my life where the horror of having my bare yabbos in the Interwebsphere was too great for me to overcome the need to flash the world.
Maybe next year.
Then again, maybe not.
I'm still sitting in awe of you brave souls, though. You should know that. :)
"It wasn't a buzz to see my rack online at all."
Maybe you need to change the batteries in your buzzer ;-)
« Close
October 09, 2004
now my boobies have been unleashed on an unsuspecting readership...

OK. I've finally done it. Done what? Submitted my boobies to the Boobie-thon, that's what!
My pic should be up in the next few hours, so go on over, check out the pics and make sure you donate something while you're there. The first person to guess which ones are mine gets a steamy night o' linklovin' and a donation made in their name from me (hint: check out my 'Revealing' skin colour scheme)!
And if you get over there quickly, the 150th person to donate gets unlimited access to nudie boobies, regardless of the donation amount (normally it's a $50 donation to get in). *wooot*
posted by
goldie @
08:01 PM
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I think your boobies and my boobies might be hanging out together. i.e. I think they may have been posted in the same group. My boobies have told me that yours are causing all kinds of trouble! ;-)
looks like Raych's and my boobies are sharing accomodation, yo! woohoo!
It's so strange to see my titties online...
..hmmm.. yours?.... teaser.nude124... at least, that's what I imagine....
actually, that's not a bad guess atall atall Eric. pretty darn close. but no cigar...
you now have to click on 'view all photos' to see mine. think lace, in a colour scheme I've used round here.
Oooh. Antgrad, you just might be right...
Thanks *blush*
No one shall ever guess mine... :D
279.... nice.. lol
i've seen your boobies, i've seen your boobies!!
now, the next question is... did you submit a "nude boobie" photo? that might just be worth a $50 donation to see.....:D
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i've been unleashed on an unsuspecting readership *mwuhahaha*
I have been given the amazing, flattering and ever so slightly intimidating honour of Guest Poster by Dean Esmay at Dean's World until Tuesday.
I'm pretty sure he knows what he's in for, but does anyone else? I'm Aussie, non-political and I have a penchant for innuendo. Hmmm...
This is gonna be FUN! *rubs hands together with evil-like glee*
posted by
goldie @
12:48 PM
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Aw I love it over at Deans so I'll come say hi. :)
Oooh. Another guest gig? I'm sure it'll be Goldi-liscious ...
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October 02, 2004
and the boobies are off n running...!

The third annual Blogger Boobie-thon to raise money for breast cancer research is now officially open! There are already some fabulous rack shots gracing the pages (I reckon I can pick at least one of 'em...), and mine should be up sometime over the weekend.
So go!!! Submit your tits, or donate, donate DONATE! And if you pledge $50, you get to see uncovered (anonymous) boobies in all their glory.
Hey, if it's for a good cause...
posted by
goldie @
10:12 AM
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okay....I just looked at that and I don't think that i could ever post my boobs on a website.....
I too will be trotting out my fabulous rack for cancer.
Hey-I've done if for some plastic Mardi Gras beads, the least I can do is bust them forth (pun intended) for a fabulous cause.
I was telling my husband about it and he was so happy about the thought of being my personal photographer. Because he's...umm...never taken those kind of pictures of me before. Never. Ever. Nu-uh...
I'm trying to convince the rest of the QW to do a shoot with me. I hope they (and their respective women) are down with it.
Adria: at least it's anonymous :). I've never been very inhibited anyways, so it's not worrying me. and it's for a good cause - yay!
Helen: I remember that incident, what a great story that was. I must take part in this mardi gras you speak of one day! Next Fat Tuesday eh...? Hmmmm
Raych: you crack me up girl. go for it! it's a rather... liberating experience, shall we say ;).
Maine: that sounds FANTASTIC! Ev, J, Barndon? Get your rack shots taken! us chick's'll love it. And it's not like J's shy in front of the camera ;P
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September 30, 2004
Here they are! Thanks to everyone who made requests. I've done almost all of them - except Harvey's, which was censored, and Helen's, cos I haven't gone through all my old pics yet *grin*.
Magical mikey wanted: *an aussie xmas card [1] taken xmas day 2002 - see sister Lauren's bon-bon hat, and [2] taken on xmas day 2001 at the big presents near the Brewery in Adelaide. Not cards, cos I couldn't find any, but Xmas on a summers day nonetheless.
* A toilet flushing. Although no spiral visible. Sorry!
* And a love note. Look! It even rhymes! (no rack, I'm saving that for Boobie-thon).
The lovely Rose wanted: * brekkie (it's boiled, I eat them on the bus).
* Stinky tasty stuff on toast ('cept I'm not eating toast atm, so the vegemite will just have to do).
* My fave beverage in a glass/bottle etc. I will accept lesser versions, however I prefer the best not that I've ever tasted it.
Margi, you sexay thang, wanted: * The desk, where the blogging gets done [1] [2]. Spot the mega-huge Aussie Starbucks mug. This is USB/email-enabled puter, with the ridiculously big monitor. Which is why some of these pics are prolly way too big, I lose all sense of proportion *sigh*. Sorry bout that.
* Fave shoes with feet in them. Even though Julie was good and only showed one pair, I couldn't choose (spank me)... going out killer heels [1] [2] (you can see puter 2's desk in those shots... and a sign that we perhaps shouldn't have in the house) and fave work flats/casuals.
* A prized possession, something near and dear to my heart. Well, many of the things I'm posting are indeed that (buggles, tarot decks, josie), so I give you this [1] [2] cos I simply cannot live without it. Oh. And these two don't go astray either <3 <3. The other prized 'possession' wasn't sure about having his pic on DQ. Hehe.
When all else fails, I've kept this on my fridge for 3.5 years now, ever since my sis Lauren wrote it. Yes, I have the erotic version of Magnetic Poetry. What did you expect?
Delicious Daniel wanted: * fave logo T (I'm working on it)
* Fave tarot deck. I've gone with two: the one I read most with (complete with thai silk bag and the encyclopedia Daniel wishlisted me for my birthday in June <3), and one I just had to buy cos it's so darned cool... the Limited Edition Rock n Roll Tarot. Try n spot Tory, Bjork, NIN, Pumpkins, Stipe etc.
* Our matching VW Bugs. But I had mine first. Ner.
G-Fry wanted: * Whatever toilet is closest to me right now. See above, honey.
Ms. Empress wanted: * a picture of my pet. I give you... JOSIE, THE FLUFFER! Hear her roar!
Mainey mainey Maine wanted: * A picture of me reading blogs... well, I'm behind the camera, so...
* My TV and remote control. I did take a pic, but it was crap, so this one's still on the way
* My left hand. Each to their own. Here are both hands even. Ignore the manky nails, all my frenchies came off and I'm getting them put back on tomorrow night :).
Ev baby wanted: * a whole bunch o' ridiculous stuff that, while it made me *rofl*, I'm not going to bother with. *grin*
* Fave T-shirt: vintage or classic - again, will have to get back to you cos I forgot to get into my drawers with the camera tonight! Oo er.
* My CD collection. Now, all my music is on the puter these days, I gave away most of my CD's ages ago in a fit of Spring Cleaning (sacriledge I know, but they went to a good home... rest assured they included lots of Blur, Oasis, U2, Pumpkins, Pixies, Bjork, Tori, They Might Be Giants, Sleeper, Pulp, The Cure, Garbage, Blink 182 and many other upbeat poppy things, including about 10 different 80's collections). However, this may suffice. It's my dream to have a library one day.
* A pic of me putting on my face... forgot to take the pic this morning! Coming soon to a mirror near you.
* Desserts. Looks like ice cream and fruit muffins :).
* My inbox.
* ANNNNNDDDDD..... A pic of Ev's comment. *grin*
posted by
goldie @
10:34 PM
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I'll Shoot It
Excerpt: Was reading the news this morning, and I've just got a few questions about it. Do it. If you're a 23 year old woman and Billy Joel is marrying you, don't you realize that, one day, you're going to be...
Weblog: Quietwater!
Tracked: October 5, 2004 12:05 AM
Breast Cancer Links
Excerpt: Discover The Most Effective Cancer Treatment Method That Will Work
Weblog: Vanessa Vains
Tracked: July 15, 2005 07:20 PM
What a great post, and how revealing! ;)
That's one of the best kitty pics I've ever seen: what a looker!
Awww. Goldielen, you're the best. That's the best blog ever. EVER, I SAY!
holy shiite, Goldie, your fluffer looks so much like mine! Meet Leonoardo:
aw thanks pam! we like her, even though she's evil. don't let her good looks fool you.
No worries Ev baby! although I don't think it's the best blog ever *lol*.
Wow, Celti, you're right! Leonardo looks like the male version of Josie! the colouring, the markings...
2 things... on the dessert pics - I just can't believe there's something "mighty soft" in a house that has you in it
and the "inbox" link - am I a bad person because my first thought was that it might be a picture of your... well... nevermind. I guess I *am* a bad person ;-)
All I need to know... and I'm being very serious here... is who I need to murder to get my hands on those rock and roll tarot cards - specifically the Pumpkins card. Those things are the killers.
And thank you for the shot of your left hand, but having the right hand in there with it ruined it. Ruined it all! Bad Goldie! Bad! The left hand is the hand most precious! The right hand is tainted!!
It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose! It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose!!
Wow! Terrific! And Fluffers is so cute! I'll be posting a picture of my cat, Berg, one day soon. Thanks for entertaining us!
this was so much fun. : )
Wow. You know the experts say that instant gratification can be bad for the human pysche, but duuuuuuuuuuuude. This was so awesome. I think everyone should have to do it, at least once.
It's like pr0n, only it isn't dirty or illegal or immoral. You can't get divorced over it, and you keep your self-respect intact.
It is also amazing what you can learn about someone from the way they keep their pc arranged....SLACKER!
That was very satisfiying, dahlink. Was this the best meme ever, or what? I LOVED seeing your pictures and, I have to agree, the picture of your fluffer probably the best catpic I've EVER seen.
Thank you for sharing, hon. You're one of a kind.
Love love love,
Your cat is gorgeous. Lovely site too!
Harv: puzzled over the mighty soft, but damn, they be tasty fruit muffins! I eat them split, toasted, with cream cheese, chopped strawberries and maple syrup *heaven*.
Maine: my deck was a limited edition, however I do know they auction off individual cards on ebay every now and again. the artist was Chris Paradis. Also, I have been known to put a print on a t-shirt for friends ;). Now wouldn't that be cool???
yaya darls: thanks baby! I'll let Josie know *grin*.
Julie: it was, wasn't it! I've just LOVED seeing everyone's pics :).
Ev: HAHA be careful or the hubby may smite you - it's his work desk, I have nothing to do with it! He keeps everyhting else spic and span though.
margi: *lovelovelove* :). it's been just great :). thank you so much for looking at all of them! and for taking yours - I still lurve your purple furry slippers. it's just so interesting to see bits and pieces of everyone you wouldn't normally see.
epistemological: why, thank you! I'll be sure to let her know :).
Rock on! You, ma'am, are the coolest! This was really awesomely fun, and now that I've seen yours I should probably get off my arse and finish up my own pics.
Thank you for pandering to our shameless requests!!
We've got the cat magnetic poetry... and you can make some pretty interesting sentences out of those words ;)
LOVE the Beetles doll, so classic!! I wish I had one, mines just one of the new jobs. Cute, but not classic...
The rock and roll deck is way cooler than I thought it'd be!
Don't even think I'm going to forget about the dumpy pics. I'm going to be vigilant :)
Helen baby: I wouldn't DREAM of it ;).
Rose: no, YOU are the coolest. and thanks for the opportunity to shamelessly show off parts of my life ;).
Jenny: whatever do you mean? my pure mind cannot comprehend such matters.
Daniel darls: while I adore my blue Buggles, and it would break my heart to trade him in, I'm getting a little sick n tired of hacking round in a clunker with no aircon. But as hubby says, if you can only afford a bomb, at least make sure it's a bomb with STYLE!
fun blog...i love pictures :) especially aussie ones
« Close
September 22, 2004
chocolate me
I have this week discovered the delights of cookie dough, and the homebaking of said product. In fact, I may even be addicted already.
*twitch* *shiver*
However can someone tell me why the makers recommend you don't eat the dough raw? Cos if it's like, poisonous or something, I'm in some seriously deep shite.
posted by
goldie @
01:41 PM
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If it’s poisonous, I’m in BIG trouble! In fact, I think I’d be dead by now if it was. Seriously though, I think it’s because it contains raw egg, which can cause salmonella poisoning. So, yeah, in a roundabout way, it could be poisonous, but if you keep in the fridge, you should be alright.
IT's the raw egg. And seriously, I'd have been dead long ago too. Sometimes, I never ever get any baked. Sometimes, I buy the dough just to eat it, and not to bake at all.
Oh! the horror!
I buy it just to eat it raw, too. Yum!!
Everyone eats raw cookie dough. Maybe we're all dead.
I'm in agreement - it is most certainly from the fact that there are raw eggs in the dough.
But I am also in agreement with the assessment that we'd all be dead. I mean, come on - they actually sell cookie dough ice cream with raw cookie dough in it!
They just want to protect themselves from salmonella.
The key to protecting yourself is to inoculate yourself with daily doses of cookie dough, so that you can build up an immunity :-)
It is the raw egg. Chances are you won't die from eating it, but you may get a kinda sickish. If I'm gonna eat a bunch of cookie dough in one sitting, I'll use those liquid eggs. No risk of sickness. I can fatten myself up with no fear.
... and for $40 you can get yourself a fabbo icecream maker and make your very own chocolate chip cookie dough icecream.
Can feel my arteries hardening as we speak.
I haven't had raw cookie dough in years! But just thinking about it brings back warm memories...mmmm
i still have the sesame street library books from when i was little, and in one, the cookie monster gives you a recipe for cookie dough.
i found it and made it for my kids. the next time i made it, it was for me and it never went anywhere near the oven.
c is for cookie dough, thats good enough for me
If raw cookie dough were harmful - - I'd have been six feet under a LONG time ago.
Love it.
When I was a kid, I always used to eat hotdogs right out of the fridge,
liked em better that way than cooked. They were precooked and everything
after all. Well, a few months back, I was BBQing hotdogs, and noticed a big
old warning on the packet to not eat them if you hadn't (re)cooked them first!
god i wish i could get cookie dough out here.....
I think I'm addicted to cookie dough. But I don't have it on a regular basis, trust me. I just have it once in a while when I really have the urge. If I haven't had it in months I'll have some. But other than that I'm really health consious. Last night and today I practically finished the whole role of cookie dough by my self. Trust me I'm not going to have cookie dough in a long time. But at least I'm still skinny I mean I only weigh 86 pounds. And trust me I'm very active.
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September 21, 2004
skinny dippin'
Spring gets me thinking about beautifying all sorts of stuff (hence my Lush orders *grin*). Which you may have noticed, given the four skins (designs) I now have prettying the place up here at DQ.
So I'd already picked out an image for my next skin (to give DQ a taste of the Aussie Summer), and I sent it to Diva Cherry for her opinion, with the aim of having a go at this whole designing thing myself. Lo and behold, the sweetheart was on a slow day and skinned it all up for me as a present! Hah!
As we say in Aussie, "legend... legend... deadset legend". That means you're fucking fabulous Cherry. Everyone. Go give Cherry a hug.
I'm keeping the skin under wraps til the end of October, but check out and see if you can't find my source image.
Meanwhile, Julie has been most busy designing up the holiday skin I was lucky enough to score via this moxie special. Without giving too much away (although it is about the place in portfolios and the like), this skin will have you thinking 'cheeky' thoughts about Xmas 'stocking stuffers'. *wink*
Ooo er! I'm almost looking forward to Xmas now. *naughty grin*
posted by
goldie @
06:55 AM
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Ooh... I saw it!! Hahaha! Very nice! I hope to have a sexy holiday look soon too....
Daniel is a cheater! hehehe
You are most welcome Goldie!
I peeked at the Shag one. I lub it to pieces.
Both the Christmas skin, which is already installed, just FYI... and the Shag skin are both lovely.
WARNING: Goldie is on the verge of overdosing on skins. She must be stopped! An intervention needs to happen now!
Hah! Daniel is such a cheater ;). classic.
It is great isn't it rachel!
Thanks Joelle, you're a sweetie :).
And yes, Lori, it's true. I'm about to overdose. I'll be needing an intervention... right after Xmas. ...but this whole skin thing is so ADDICTIVE!
You know what they say....Do not open before christmas? Well, I carefully pulled off the tape and unfastened the bow and snuck a peek ;) WOW! Your xmas skin is awesome! I hope everyone gets christmas skins this year, its my favorite holiday, I am so the kid when the holidays roll around. I love it, Great job! Now let me hurry up and wrap it back up before anyone notices.
Can't wait to see the new skins! I peeked along with everyone else!
omg...just seen the Christmas skin....niiiice.
Did you model for it?....:P
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September 20, 2004
Remember the entry I wrote last week, featuring Lush Cosmetics in juxtaposition to nasty big corporate conglomerates who have lost sight of their customers among other things?
Well, right now I'm a little speechless... you see, I had been busy figuring out what I wanted to buy from Lush, which inspired the post. Then I sent the team a link to said post, mainly cos I'm a pr/marketing girl myself and I like to know when I'm spanking my target audience in a manner that pleases them. I figured they would too.
I was right. And apparently they liked it.
In fact, they liked it so much that when they packed up my order, they thought to drop a little something (with a 5ml perfume instead of the 30ml in the link) in the box along with everything else!
*does cartwheels around the house*
THANK YOU Lush! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Now there's a company who knows how to do business - by keeping their customers happy (and not just with their heavenly aromatherapy). I know I'll certainly be telling more people in Adelaide to start ordering online. And it's not like they had to convince me. I was already a loyal customer. The products are unique and quite frankly sell themselves.
And if that's not enough to convince you of their coolness, no-one can resist a company with hilariously in-depth answers to questions like "Why did Nostradamus get it wrong and how far out do you think he was?", "Which dog has the deepest woof?", "How do you explain the current slump in the American economy?", and "Are you lot bonkers or what?" in their FAQ.
See? Kewler than Fonzie.
posted by
goldie @
07:41 PM
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you lucky thing, i love Lush! Dida is more than a bit jealous! Next time you put an order in, let me know and we can split shipping costs!
that rocks. i am so jealous.
Oh man! I love Lush! You are so lucky! I need to get some more Lush.
I found Lush last week. I found them in a very big way, and now my house is very girlie-scented and overwhelming.
How could I have lived all these years without Lush? Isn't there some law prohibiting that?
So glad we have another favorite in common, babe.
Wow! Talk about a spiffy way to thank you for the positive referrals! That is absolutely awesome.
Congratulations!! Now I have to find out if Lush is an Aussie-only thing, or if we "over here" can get 'em too.
Free crap is always a good thing! Kewler than Fonzie - heh heh that was one of my favorite shows.
dida: if you keep speaking in the third person, goldie is going to get totally weirded out. And sure, splitting delivery charges always works for me ;).
Jules and Ash: yay! more sisters in Lush!
Helen: darls, it's almost disturbing how much we have in common sometimes *laughs*. just goes to show how similar we all are, no matter how many miles divide us =D
Rose: there most certainly is Lush available in your part of the world - check out their site.
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September 13, 2004
loving thoughts
After my time off, I'm starting to remember why I loved the internet, and particularly blogging, again.
I love that I can meet people like this in a far off land who have similar views and ideas to me.
I love that I can wake up and find a brand new, simply beautiful skin layout just waiting to surprise me from this chick or this chick.\
And I love that this guy has me chuckling at 6.30 in the morning (no mean feat, I assure you) because he linked to a site called 'Junk Food News' (because junk food obviously requires its own news page) in a comment on this entry. And Harv, yes a Breakaway is not unlike a KitKat (which we have here also). There's a version of the Breakaway in a format similar to the chunky KitKat. However, where Breakaway beats KitKat hands down is in the amount of chocolate surrounding the wafers in the big blocked version. No contest.
See? And I love that can deconstruct chocolate online and people may actually agree with me.
Case closed. I'm back.
posted by
goldie @
08:44 AM
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Long Overdue Blurfing
Excerpt: Football season is officially here - - and I have to say, that while I love Monday Night Football - I'm feeling a little left out because my team isn't playing today because their first, official season game is tomorrow night -- so I have to wait whi...
Weblog: Just A Girl
Tracked: September 13, 2004 09:59 AM
... and we couldn't be happier :)
And it's not just the amount of chocolate, but also the quality - that's very important you know! I like Kit Kats but I don't like the Kit Kat Chunky - the chocolate just isn't good enough. Breakaway, however... Cadbury chocolate is the best! Hmmm... that's way too long a comment about chocolate but oh well.
I missed you! It's nice to have you back. I like visiting the ol' DQ!
& I love that you are blogging again as it gives me something interesting to read!
I like Kit Kats, but my favorite is Suzi Q's!
We have lots of junk food in our frigerator, but if we touch my moms Twinkies we're dead!
I'm happy that you are back, Goldie, and I hope you had a nice weekend!
Cadbury vs. Nestle?
Cadbury :-)
Fuckin' a. Goldie's back for good. I'm so happy!
No nod for me?? Come on! Toss a girl a bone here!
Yes, you are back!
And many rejoiced!!!
XLNT, good to hear Aussie Gurl.
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September 11, 2004
making a grand entrance
I have a couple of different sides to me. Sometimes it causes problems, but mainly it just means I get enough variety in my day to keep me interested.
For example, the side with a little more devil in it had certain ideas for my first three skins: flirty, cheeky, fun yet classic.
And the side with a little more halo adores this classy new creation by Julie of blogmoxie: clean, stylish and downright glam.
Yep. Now I really do have something to keep both the horns and the halos happy.
You've outdone yourself Julie. And so quickly too! Thanks to the moxie team for such fabulous service - you girls sure know how to run a business!
And if you wanna get some moxie, now is the best time to do it with this fabulous holiday special. I can hardly wait to see what Julie comes up with for my holiday request...
*cheeky grin*
posted by
goldie @
11:26 AM
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It's that time again...
Excerpt: Time for some good ol' fashion BlogMoxie pimpin'. First we have Goldie. Goldie asked for a classy, vintage, thirties sexy looking skin. Next is James. James wanted a new skin with colors to match his homepage using the artwork of Gustave DorÃ...
Weblog: Tummy Monsters
Tracked: September 13, 2004 04:34 AM
Holy pants, Batman! This is effin gorgeous!
(Hiya, Helen sent me over!)
Thanks Goldie. I'm so happy you like it.
oooh, wow, there are funky backgrounds in my comment box!
*swirls around*...
By the way the comments are broken. I use "whipped" and your comments keep taking me to this "classy" skin.
i want my whipped! everything i click is taking me back to this pink crap. save me!!!
Now now Jason, I know a lot of boys are intolerant of pink, but really! ;)
Don't worry, I've asked Julie to look into it!
it's absolutely gorgeous!
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September 09, 2004
fits like a second (and third) skin
Being a Gemini girl, I like variety. I'm also notorious for my inability to make a decision. Hey, I can see beauty in just about anything, mkay.
So when I found not one, but three pics I just adored while surfing for images for Cherry to use when designing my my new layout... well. I could hardly go with just one. I was actually very pleased with myself for narrowing it down to three pics in the first place.
And after a week of hard work on Cherry's part (and of hard indecision on my part), I am uber-proud to present to you two more dq layouts.
Click here for a damn good spanking, or here for something a teeny bit wet 'n' sticky. Or why not try the 'skin me' drop down box in the 'about me' section, even.
Yeah baby. Just the way I like it.
So what are you waiting for?! Go chat to the Divas about a wickedly brilliant makeover. Seriously, you'll be glad you did. I feel like a brand new dramaqueen =D.
posted by
goldie @
12:45 AM
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Awesome skins I love them all.
Beautiful skins! The "spanking" one is my favorite.
Just say "Goldie sent me?"
I'm WAY too jealous of this Whipped (you were right!) to continue with my boringness.
very cool skins!! Cherry has outdone herself again - I gotta get me some new skin...
LOVE that whipped skin. I'm sticking with that one.
love love and lots of love.. mmhmm that's right. I gotta sneak peek and fell in love. I am 100% sure these can not be topped Cherry. You roxx0r!
And you do to of course Goldie.. (snuggles)
Wow these are SO cool!
Hubba hubba, now these are some *skins*.
Nice work.
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September 07, 2004
a wonderful new me
*slinks secretly in*
*slips seductively into her stylish and ever-so-slightly salacious new skin*
Welcome to the All New dqHQ... won't you stay a while for my skin-warming party? *oo-er*
What do you think of the place? Bit of Billie Holliday playing over here, some organza thrown over the dressing screen over there... and a Gin 'n' Tonic with Extra Lemon for everyone who comes through the door.
What's that? You'd like to know who my decorator is? Why, none other than the delectable Cherry at Web Divas. Do have a look at their portfolio and brilliant specials, and make sure you tell them goldie sent ya.
And Cherry, thanks for your fabulous work and for being so patient with all my tweaks and template issues. You're just fabulous hon!
posted by
goldie @
01:58 PM
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*Wolf whistles* - lookin' sex-aaay!
Cheers, here's to the all new DramaQueen *takes large swig of Kiwifruit Cosmopolitan*
very nice!!! they do good work, don't they?
Hubba Hubba!
XLNT dress up Goldie. Well worth the wait. :)
First, Welcome to MuNu, and congrats on the new look. Ya clean up well, you know?
damn, i didn't really notice before, but yeah, you have a shitload of links on your sidebar, there. like, damn!
Yummy. Looking really good!
Very classy!! By the way Goldie... Welcome back!!
You look marvelous. I really like the color scheme, too. And how DO you get time to read all those links, anyway? :)
WOW! This looks terrific!! Well done!
Goldie! Thanks so much for stopping by and I am so glad to hear that you're back (and ok)! I was worried about you. I'll have to read up on what happened, but welcome back, hunny! *hugs*
BTW - the skin looks moxielicious!
Marvelous! Love your skin. Also to delight in that you've gotten your Large Mamm... er... Mammal-hood back. Big hugs from Alger and da Doll.
Wow!!! Looks Wonderful Goldie!!! It was certainly worth the very short wait to see this. *grin*
Kickin' digs, g. I like it.
Celti, credit for this skin goes fully to Cherry of Web Divas. Moxie didn't design it.
But thank you anyway. :)
Love it! Love it!! Love it!!!
Mmmmm...I like it!
Ack! Am I not linkable material? :-(
::: puts down stapler poised to hurl at the wall :::
DAMN, this is NICE. I have blog-envy. Heh.
LOVE the new look Goldie!!!! And welcome back too!
Hot looking site. Marry me Goldie!
Did you have a haircut or something?
This whole site is great...I love the "live preview" comments thingy - can see my typos as I make them.
Oops...I should have said DIVALICIOUS! It just reminded me of the moxie girls' work. No hard feelings, divas! Lovely work!
No hard feelings at all. Infact we are flattered. Thankyou. *wink*
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cherry blossoms in the breeze
Ahhh. I love September.
Spring has definitely started sprung-ing. The Royal Adelaide Show is in full swing (complete with the All New, All Amazing Pig Diving Act!). Most of my herbs n veggies are in pots (basil, sage, capsicum [or bell peppers to the uninitiated], garlic and roman strawberries, but there wasn't any spring onion *horror*). The cherry blossoms are out in Pennington Gardens. It stays light after 6pm. I gallavanted saucily about in a vintage singlet top on Saturday night and was actually hot (...temperature-wise, that is). And my lil sis has even fallen in love (amazing how positive that is for the immune system).
And... most critically important of all...
The new season TV shows are finally here. Which means 6 Feet Under (in the cult 10.30pm channel 9 timeslot usually occupied by either it or the Sopranos... I'm still on a high from the first episode, which I just watched), Survivor Vanuatu (cannibals eat your heart out), and ... Australian Idol.
My money's on Chanel and/or Marty to inherit the crown - a modest vintage princess in the vein of Bjork and a versatile chrome dome with no problems being himself. I don't know about you...
posted by
goldie @
01:59 AM
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I Just Want To Say...
Excerpt: ...Welcome back! One of my favorite people is back online! (and looking just smashing!) Goldie at Dramaqueen....
Weblog: ...was i there?
Tracked: September 7, 2004 12:36 PM
Oh I love September as well, where I am it mean autumn will be here soon, My favorite season!
Where I live it is going to be fall in a few weeks, you can already tell because the weather is already changing.
Yay! Another season of Survivor! I knew there was something missing from my life, but I just couldn't pinpoint what it was :)
Lookin' good sweetie!
When I first heard about pig diving, I thought it would be cruel, but after seeing them running up the ramp & belly-flopping it, you can tell they're getting off on it as much as the crowd.
However, it still won't convince me to go to the show!
Chanel for the Idol Crown, but Ricky-lee is a bit of a cutie!
I keep forgetting you are in the land down under. Spring in September. Wow. I love September and October here in the U.S. because I love Fall - that is my favorite season.
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September 06, 2004
beauty in it's purest form
Dean Esmay has a gorgeous deconstruction of female beauty through the ages, based in art and photography.
Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.
posted by
goldie @
08:59 AM
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Real women are truly beautiful, aren't they?
Your not kidding Goldie.
Thanx for the comment about your new blogsphere home, I'll be tuning in.
That's funny. I read his post earlier and was thinking "wow". It is true and sad how society has changed in the last 100 years or so. I always tell Gary I want to go back to the middle ages.
I could be a hot mama AND kill people I don't like and get away with it. :D
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Do you need mine again? :)