December 29, 2004
that's a derisive laugh, by the way
I have just been rendered speechless...
Outback Jack.
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I just love how we get these shows after the US audiences... and how they haven't even bothered to take out the SUBTITLES (WTF??! American friends - seriously, can you understand an Australian when they're speaking? Like, no bull? I'm thinking the subtitles are just a tad unecessary...)
« I'm finished
posted by
goldie @
08:48 PM
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For the most part, yeah. But, some of us... (giant flashing arrow pointing at me)... are terrible with accents altogether. I swear, if I were to talk to you, I'd probably ask you to repeat every third sentence.
I had to watch "Snatch" six times before I understood what was going on...
*ethnocentric shame*
I didn't watch it. I just caught a few commercials.. but yeah.. subtitles seem over the edge.
But they do them on severe country accents here sooo...
Say it ain't so Goldie.... I'll have to catch up with this TV gem next week.
We don't subtitle US shows...although God knows we ought to sometimes :)
Didn't know Aussie accents are subtitle though, weird...
i turn on the subtitles when i used to watch the osbournes on MTV. i couldn't understand what the heck ozzy was talking i am not at all surprised by this... :)
i've never had any problems understanding the australians i've met. sometimes though, you guys use weird metaphor's that i don't quite get, but i suppose we do too.
maybe it's easier for you and the rest of the world to understand us because you get american tv/movies/music shoved down your throats constantly? add to the pot that a basic american attitude is to reject anything that isn't american and you get a definate cultural barrier for many.
anyway, i am going to follow maine's lead and drop my head in ethnocentric shame.
hey, i really like kylie though, ok?
Maine: honey, everyone had to watch Snatch several times before they knew what was going on. Even real Pikies had to! BTW, my accent is quite... 'clear'. South Aussies have an almost British lilt to their voices and don't tend to use as much slang.
Rachel: they even subtitle your own countrymen? interesting. I mean, we have dialect-accents (for want of a better term) here too, but they don't subtitle the croc hunter for us, even though he deserves it.
David: get a blog babe! ;)
DaFFy: tis funny how the minds of TV producers work, eh? :)
no milk: hah! Ozzie is a class of accent all his own, isn't he?!
jesse: paras 1 and 2 - exactly. Not that we don't like a lot of the shows and movies we watch, but t does give us the advantage of being far more able to understand you.
And as for the basic american attitude to 'reject' anything not american, it's interesting, isn't it. I mean, you guys all come to my blog and we converse without any kind of cultural barrier. You all seem very willing to learn about my country and culture. Maybe the mainstream attitude to reject isn't so popular anymore? *hugs to all* :D
And as for Kylie... do you KNOW how long she was trying to break into the american market??? *lol* she's been singing since 1987!! I'm glad you like her. She's an icon to many down under.
i need the subtitles on occasion for scots.
aussies i've yet to have a problem.
and yeah, there are some people over here you need subtitles for. i went to new orleans (pronounced 'naw linz') with a friend and our cab driver. sheez, he was hard for me to understand. and my friend, who is a vietnamese immigrant could not understand anything all week!
I suspect a larger part of it is due to the arrogant condescension of many in the entertainment industry. They think that the audience is composed of bumpkins who won't understand any accent or turn of phrase other than their own.
The sad part is they may be right.
I haven't seen Outback Jack, but would add this data point. Since the Crocodile Dundee movies in the '80's, Ozzies and Ozzie accents have taken on a "cool" cachet in the States, replacing the Brits as our favorite overseas cousins. I 'spect fewer of us need the subtitles than the producers suspect.
there were subtitles? LOLOL!
I heard someone once describe Aussie accents as a Brit accent pounded flat and left to dry in the sun. I know there are some southern US accents that are particularly hard to understand for people who didn't grow up with them.
I'm sure that if I spoke with you, Goldie, that the LUUUUURVE I feel would overcome any cultural barriers. *kiss*
Happy new year Goldie! *smooch*
Hi Goldie; Happy new year.
I know this is off topic, however, I just wanted to know if you were at Harbour Town last week?
It's a lot to take in sometimes. Figuring out what they're saying is easier when you know what they're talking about. A movie like Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels was a double whammy for me. Although I surely got the gist of it, watching the DVD with subtitles on and familiarizing myself with the slang glossary made the movie a whole lot more fun for me.
Happy New Year, Goldie.
What's funny is I did watch this show but I seriously don't remember any subtitles on it - Hmmm... I can understand Aussies and most accents except for some British and Irish accents that are waaaaay strong. It's weird because I'll see one move with Irish accents and understand it fine and then some other movie the accents are so thick I'm like what? what? what?
Hey Goldie, Happy NY!
We were subjected to Outback Jack in August (I think?) - what got me is all the chardonnay swilling "Jack" does. So Not Outback Bloke!
And as for the bimbo he finally chooses! Blood-y hell.
I see you mob are getting it finally - what a joke, eh? I can scarcely imagine why whoever's screening it decided to pick it up. It really is crap. Trust me that most yank chicks aren't that bad. Just some of 'em ;)
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December 12, 2004
We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an item of extreme silliness.
You have been warned...
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Um, in case you didn't know, I kinda had a thing for the badgers (what badgers?) earlier this year. It never fails to crack me up, even today. Yeas.
And I also have an ever-so-small obsession with all things Potter. Which you will rarely see me talking about here. Ahem.
There are other times and places to demonstrate how big my geek is. Enquire within if you want in on that deal.
So when a friendinpotter pointed me to this so-ridiculous-it's-hilarious lil swf... well. I am in Geek Heaven.
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posted by
goldie @
03:39 PM
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Argh! Snape!
Excerpt: So you may remember Badger Badger Badger. It was only a matter of time until someone made this. Turn up your volume and enjoy. (found at DramaQueen)...
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Tracked: November 7, 2005 05:20 AM
oh man, I forgot all about that badger thing! And now in Potter? hahahahaha
Um... what's the little guy on the right saying?
Sounds like "VD, VD" or something :-)
I too have a not-so-secret obsession with Harry Potter. But I have to admit, I don't really get this. Oh well.
Harv, he's saying 'Weasley, Weasley'. Cos he's Ron Weasley. ahehehe
Carrie: Don't worry, it's the badger, badger thing. Which not everyone got in the first place. In fact, I don't think there was anything to get... some people just found it amusing and others didn't. I am merely a git, is all *grin*, with a really bad sense of humour.
Ok now that is hilarious!
thanks so much for getting this stuck in my head! :P
i'm a huuuuuuge Potter geek. not so much the badgers. :)
that reminds me, i need to go buy Prizoner of Azkaban.
Thank you for the forgiveness. I've got other things to talk about in life so I'm going to steer away from talking about the politics so much.
I forgot I changed the skin last night and this morning when I opened you up it was a bit naughty for for work.
I wanted to make that "opened you up" into a pun about revealing you or something along those lines, given the risque nature of your skins but alas, it was not to be.
OMG! I love that! Both of them. I've never seen those before.
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October 23, 2004
spiderman does interpretive dance
CAUTION! Only view if feeling depressed or melancholy. Anyone in a remotely chipper mood will just find this silly. Also, don't operate heavy machinery after viewing. You've been warned.
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posted by
goldie @
11:26 AM
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What? No dancing? Awww :(
hehe too bad he doesn't dance. I posted a link to this on my blog a loooong time ago. of course the link doesn't work anymore. =/
CRAP! Now I'm gay!
Guess I'll have to change my blog name to "Lavender Example" :-/
thanks Julie. Now I'm gay. Hubby's going to kill me.
Actually... ;)
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October 12, 2004
irony = 50% RDI
Don't get me wrong, I'm quite a fan of 'quality' reality television.
And no, that's not an oxymoron. There's something about the id-like, hunter-gatherer tribal instincts that shows like Survivor bring out in their contestants that get amateur psychologists like me all hot and tingly.
Also, I'm not a prude by anyone's standards. In fact, some might think (and quite rightly too) that I swing quite significantly in the opposite dircetion.
However this.... this is taking things just, oh, about five steps too far.
Frankly, I think the word 'private' is the oxymoron in this instance.
(cross-posted to Dean's World)
posted by
goldie @
11:43 AM
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September 26, 2004
Questionable B. Content
I've seen few posts about the place chuckling over the recent crop of 'spam names'. Lately the names showing up in my trash folder seem to consist of 2 randomly thrown together words, with an initial thrust deseperately between them in the hope that the recipient is either 5 years old or has an IQ < 10, and can be fooled into opening the mail (usually some dirty porn stuff ooo er!).
For example: Scrap R. Bridesmaids (what? You wanna elope? Or have you just had another bitchy tiff?), Reload F. Boudoir (so I guess the web cam stuffed up in the brothel again...), Heinous P. Hallucinate (those were some REALLY BAD shrooms, man!!!!), and Oscillating A. Pooh [whose actual email adress was] (so the shit really DID hit the fan!!!)
But my favourite of late was Spermicides D. Thesauruses.
Any thoughts on what this one could mean? *boggle*
posted by
goldie @
10:14 AM
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hmmm... test. people have had trouble posting comments lately, and getting the 'questionable content' error (funnily enough).
Apparently all you need to do is delete the "h__p://" from the URL of your site in the box, and it should work fine. thanks to Tuning Spork for the heads up!
also good to delete any "h__p://" stuff from any URL's you wanna post in comments eg [ a href = " " ]. I did that with the above comment, and the link to Tuning Spork's site still worked. cool, I never knew that :)
Testing ... Testing ... Is this thing on?
My technique for spam email is to just trash them. I just consider them all to come from the same address, Document B. Deleted.
"Document B. Deleted"
LOL! :-)
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September 22, 2004
our own lil game of Balderdash's Word of the Day just happens to be:
tatterdemalion \tat-uhr-dih-MAYL-yuhn; -MAY-lee-uhn\, noun
Wowee. This Word is just way too much fun. Now before you click on the link in my sidebar for the definition, tell me what you think it means. Cos believe me... the real definition ain't nowhere near as good as I thought it would be.
*mutter* bloody tease of a word *mutter*
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By the way, I'm thinking either a) Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, pre-rich dude and makeover or b) an uber-sexy demon (from the fourth circle of hell, ie, the trendy suburb) who only wears the latest in street fashion.
Meh. I want to think of something saucy and just dripping with innuendo, but my medulla oblongata just ain't cooperating lately. Or maybe it's my hippocampus? Anyways. Lay it on me baby!
« I'm finished
posted by
goldie @
12:25 AM
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Oo! Goldie! One of my very favoritest words. Blowing me ownest horn...
Alger had described Cally — in one of those dozen-score stories he kept tucked away in his drawer and was afraid to send out — as tatterdemalion. It fit her. Cally was tatterdemalion and tatterdemalion was Cally.
The first thing you noticed about her was the contrast between her cotton-white mop of hair and her nut-brown skin. Being as she was a natural blonde, you wouldn't think she could develop and keep that smooth, even, deep tan, but she did.
The second thing you noticed about her was just how much of that tan skin you could see. Like now. She was wearing a gray sweat shirt with the sleeves hacked off and the bottom cropped up to her ribs. The front and back hung free, with no attachment at the sides. She was built like a boy almost, quite small-breasted, and could get away without wearing a bra.
The thing about Cally was what she could get away with, she would do. She always took advantage — to and beyond the outside edge of the envelope. Not content with the exposure achieved by de-sleeving and cropping the sweat shirt, Cally had taken a razor blade to what was left of the poor thing and made a series of horizontal slits across it, front and back. They left very little to the imagination. Then there were the jeans, which had been similarly attacked with a razor.
All-in-all, the amount of flesh exposed left Dolly wondering, "Why bother?" Why not just go naked? Not that Cally wouldn't strip to the buff at the drop of a hint. She liked being naked and didn't mind sharing. And she had the cutest little butt...
(from "Writer's Block" by Mark Philip Alger -- available here.)
[not looking at above comment or answer]
I'll use it in a sentence:
"After she finished playing a naughty game of "pirate hostage", Goldie's dress was tatterdemalion ways to Sunday."
I think tatterdemalion is a tatter teller who likes demastrate his skill with lions, I think.
A demon wearing tattered clothing!
*clicks for answer*
Ok, not far off!!
It's a gourmet French potato. Combine with tarragon, creme fraiche and whole grain mustard, toss into a green salad and accompany with a glass of finest Chablis.
Am I close?
how freakin weird! since i have that word a day thing on my site as well, i JUST looked it up before coming here. so i guess that's old news fo me.
did you know that there was a marvel comic book character named Tatterdemalion? I googled that.
Heh. I just keep seeing a hairy horned dude who likes to eat them french fried taters uh huh...
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September 15, 2004
harvey's birthday wishlist...
...was simple.
I'm getting old. I'm falling apart. The only thing that can save me is boobie pictures. If you post them at your blog, I'll link you on Wednesday.
Well Harv, I can hardly ignore that, can I! Here's your boobie picture, stat.
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Please ignore the fact that this was taken at 2am and I was kinda falling out of my strapless bra. Thanks.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARV! Many naughty returns.
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posted by
goldie @
09:14 AM
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why, oh, WHY would we want to ignore the fact that you're falling out of your strapless bra?!?!?
...mikey darl, mainly cos it makes my boobies look lumpy, a personal bugbear o' mine.
Must have smooth boobies! Except for the accepted protrusions, o'course.
Naughty, naughty Goldie!! Now I'm gonna have to search for some boobie pics and send to Harv!
I like when my boobs look nice!!! LOL!!!
woo hoo! yeah that's what I'm talking about! :-D
:) she said protrusions.
I love boobies and today, it feels like my birthday too.
Well, I never thought I'd see the day...or the cleavage for that matter...thanks for making my day too Goldie!!
Oh Goldielen, My birthday is coming up in October. I hope I'll get my own set of prints.
Ev casts "Jealous Bastard" on Harv for 400 hp damage.
You are such a hottie! You go!
Consider all that ignored. You do know you'll get 600 comments on this post don't you?...:P
Gee, all you have to do is ask??? I have a big birthday coming up next month (I'll have survived 40 trips around the sun), maybe I should ask for something too!!! I don't have the sad, puppy-dog eyes, though, so I may not get this kind of response...
Thanks guys ::blush:: :)
Lordy Harv, see what I've got myself into? Plus I gave you that mars bar cheesecake recipe. I'd better be gettin' something outta this ;P.
Antgrad stole my comment...
This just reaffirms the comment I made many, many moons ago. I think I remember some of it... "Goldie is an exceedingly-attractive Australian blogger."
That "live preview" thing is kind of creeping me out...
[opens mouth]
[makes various unitelligible gibbering noises]
[closes mouth]
[wipes drool]
[finds voice & says in a hoarse whisper...]
Thank you, Goldie... thank you.
By the way, I'm intending to include a little something for the girls in the round-up. So, assuming you enjoy chest fur, you'll be rewarded.
If not, you'll just be grossed out, so use your best judgment ;-)
I'm drooling too.
But it's quite possible it's because I've had no sleep, I'm in a horrible mood and fucktards won't die horrible painful deaths.
...damn, Goldie... *whew*.... oh, and by the way, October 14th is MY B-day... heh....
Hell yes. Now that's the gift that keeps on giving.
oh geezus. your boobs look great, your face looks great, your face looks great. wah wah wah lumpy whatever!
Can't wait for my birthday to come around :) Many thanks for that reat, and to Harv too!
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September 05, 2004
pin the bunny in the tail... no, wait
Lord. I haven't been back five minutes and I'm already galavanting round in a playboy bunny outfit ala Bridget Jones over at Harvey's comment-party. Which happens to be minus Harvey. Oh dear.
However, that's nothing. You should see LeeAnn the Cheesemistress dressed in her superb nurse's getup... And Susie's already contemplating setting off the smoke alarm just so some studly hunks arrive to save the day.
Ahhhh... *breaths deep*. It's so good to be back in the 'sphere!
posted by
goldie @
05:51 PM
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Good to have ya back too! I won't be able to meet you at the comment party. The last time I got a little lost when I couldn't find you. Ended up knee deep in something... Eww.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Sounds like I'm going to have to start hanging around there. Maybe I'll just follow you. That truly sounds like my kinda party!
Daniel: I don't blame you... sometimes I wonder why I even attend them myself ;)
Rose: and you would always be welcome! I'll let you know when the next one is if you promise to dress up...
Long as you don't allow any negative nancies, consider me there! :-) Why, whatEVER shall I WEAR?
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For the most part, yeah. But, some of us... (giant flashing arrow pointing at me)... are terrible with accents altogether. I swear, if I were to talk to you, I'd probably ask you to repeat every third sentence.
I had to watch "Snatch" six times before I understood what was going on...
*ethnocentric shame*