Sunday December 05, 2004
sexy in my own skin

I must say... while I knew my Xmas skin was just a wee bit racy, I had no idea how much attention it would capture (thanks erosblog and fellow MuNuvians Attila and Harvey). Seriously! Not that I don't love it of course, being the DQ that I am ;).

All I told Julie (of Blogmoxie fame) back in October was that I wanted to 'moon' Xmas. I'm a bit of a bah humbug you see, as this entry from this time last year will attest to.

I gave her a free reign - fun, cartoon, sexy, retro, whatever, and when she found the image in the top right after days and days of searching, she knew straight away it was The One. As did I when I saw it for the first time.

Anyways, I'd better be off. I have an Xmas lunch to attend. Hey! There's food involved, OK?! I'm not vetoing lunch with good friends simply because there may be Xmas crackers on the table...

posted by goldie @ 10:16 AM on 12.05.04
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