October 16, 2004
a private party of two, oui?
The last couple of weeks, Harvey has been convening the Carnival of the Pyjamas in celebration of the attire most often attributed to pundit bloggers by critics in meatspace.
I've been a bit slack the last couple of weeks, but let me assure you, my attire has been well worth waiting for...
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OK, so it's not really me. But I would wear it with glee. If I could afford to order in Victoria's Secret to lazily obscure my Down Under bits.
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goldie @
10:53 PM
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Would it be politically correct to say "Hubba, hubba"?
Should have worn that one for the Boobiethon, Goldie...:)
Nah. I banished the Politically Incorrect Unwritten Rulebook years ago.
But only people who know the unwritten rules are allowed to break them round me. There's the Catch 22.
Nice! I haven't gotten anything from Victoria's Secret in over a year. I'm due!
I've just decided how much I like VS yaya. I wonder if they deliver overseas...
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October 15, 2004
she turns a phrase just... 'so'
My dear and totally fabulous friend Gab (who is quite the elocutionist... witty AND poignant all at the same time) recently fired up on blogspot to chat about her pending travel odyssey around the globe.
I met Gab early last year when we both started studying our Grad Dip in Communications, so it's no surprise she can write. Apart from making ridiculous allegations pertaining to my 'coolness' *ahem*, she's agonising over whether it's worth going to her 10 year high school reunion (pre-travel odyssey), only to face...
*dum dum DUUUUMMMM*
...the Catholic School Girl Beret, apparently still buried deep inside herself. Which she was sure she'd actually sterilised clean out of her psyche with beer and vanilla Mojitos since.
I totally sympathise, Gab. I went to mine and it was horribubble really. Although that may have something to do with the fact that I overly sampled the open bar. Seeing my Catholic Girls High School again was enough to drive anyone to the drink.
posted by
goldie @
10:42 AM
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Going to my 10-year reunion was a huuuge mistake, but I had to go, just so I wasn't wondering what it would have been like. I drank way too much and ended up quite sick... it was awful. You're right, Goldie, that's what religious schools do to you!
a catholic high "school" !! what did you do to deserve such punishment?
Oooh Nooo! I did not go to mine. I was afraid I'd regret not going, but my best friend's husband was in my class so I had him give me the lowdown. I didn't miss a thing. Whew! Regret dismissed!
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Would it be politically correct to say "Hubba, hubba"?
Should have worn that one for the Boobiethon, Goldie...:)