Wednesday September 15, 2004
harvey's birthday wishlist...
...was simple.
I'm getting old. I'm falling apart. The only thing that can save me is boobie pictures. If you post them at your blog, I'll link you on Wednesday.
Well Harv, I can hardly ignore that, can I! Here's your boobie picture, stat.

Please ignore the fact that this was taken at 2am and I was kinda falling out of my strapless bra. Thanks.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARV! Many naughty returns.
posted by
goldie @ 09:14 AM on 09.15.04
why, oh, WHY would we want to ignore the fact that you're falling out of your strapless bra?!?!?
...mikey darl, mainly cos it makes my boobies look lumpy, a personal bugbear o' mine.
Must have smooth boobies! Except for the accepted protrusions, o'course.
Naughty, naughty Goldie!! Now I'm gonna have to search for some boobie pics and send to Harv!
I like when my boobs look nice!!! LOL!!!
woo hoo! yeah that's what I'm talking about! :-D
:) she said protrusions.
I love boobies and today, it feels like my birthday too.
Well, I never thought I'd see the day...or the cleavage for that matter...thanks for making my day too Goldie!!
Oh Goldielen, My birthday is coming up in October. I hope I'll get my own set of prints.
Ev casts "Jealous Bastard" on Harv for 400 hp damage.
You are such a hottie! You go!
Consider all that ignored. You do know you'll get 600 comments on this post don't you?...:P
Gee, all you have to do is ask??? I have a big birthday coming up next month (I'll have survived 40 trips around the sun), maybe I should ask for something too!!! I don't have the sad, puppy-dog eyes, though, so I may not get this kind of response...
Thanks guys ::blush:: :)
Lordy Harv, see what I've got myself into? Plus I gave you that mars bar cheesecake recipe. I'd better be gettin' something outta this ;P.
Antgrad stole my comment...
This just reaffirms the comment I made many, many moons ago. I think I remember some of it... "Goldie is an exceedingly-attractive Australian blogger."
That "live preview" thing is kind of creeping me out...
[opens mouth]
[makes various unitelligible gibbering noises]
[closes mouth]
[wipes drool]
[finds voice & says in a hoarse whisper...]
Thank you, Goldie... thank you.
By the way, I'm intending to include a little something for the girls in the round-up. So, assuming you enjoy chest fur, you'll be rewarded.
If not, you'll just be grossed out, so use your best judgment ;-)
I'm drooling too.
But it's quite possible it's because I've had no sleep, I'm in a horrible mood and fucktards won't die horrible painful deaths.
...damn, Goldie... *whew*.... oh, and by the way, October 14th is MY B-day... heh....
Hell yes. Now that's the gift that keeps on giving.
oh geezus. your boobs look great, your face looks great, your face looks great. wah wah wah lumpy whatever!
Can't wait for my birthday to come around :) Many thanks for that reat, and to Harv too!
live preview: