Monday September 13, 2004
loving thoughts

After my time off, I'm starting to remember why I loved the internet, and particularly blogging, again.

I love that I can meet people like this in a far off land who have similar views and ideas to me.

I love that I can wake up and find a brand new, simply beautiful skin layout just waiting to surprise me from this chick or this chick.\

And I love that this guy has me chuckling at 6.30 in the morning (no mean feat, I assure you) because he linked to a site called 'Junk Food News' (because junk food obviously requires its own news page) in a comment on this entry. And Harv, yes a Breakaway is not unlike a KitKat (which we have here also). There's a version of the Breakaway in a format similar to the chunky KitKat. However, where Breakaway beats KitKat hands down is in the amount of chocolate surrounding the wafers in the big blocked version. No contest.

See? And I love that can deconstruct chocolate online and people may actually agree with me.

Case closed. I'm back.

posted by goldie @ 08:44 AM on 09.13.04 :  ping
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