Saturday October 09, 2004
now my boobies have been unleashed on an unsuspecting readership...

OK. I've finally done it. Done what? Submitted my boobies to the Boobie-thon, that's what!
My pic should be up in the next few hours, so go on over, check out the pics and make sure you donate something while you're there. The first person to guess which ones are mine gets a steamy night o' linklovin' and a donation made in their name from me (hint: check out my 'Revealing' skin colour scheme)!
And if you get over there quickly, the 150th person to donate gets unlimited access to nudie boobies, regardless of the donation amount (normally it's a $50 donation to get in). *wooot*
posted by
goldie @ 08:01 PM on 10.09.04
I think your boobies and my boobies might be hanging out together. i.e. I think they may have been posted in the same group. My boobies have told me that yours are causing all kinds of trouble! ;-)
looks like Raych's and my boobies are sharing accomodation, yo! woohoo!
It's so strange to see my titties online...
..hmmm.. yours?.... teaser.nude124... at least, that's what I imagine....
actually, that's not a bad guess atall atall Eric. pretty darn close. but no cigar...
you now have to click on 'view all photos' to see mine. think lace, in a colour scheme I've used round here.
Oooh. Antgrad, you just might be right...
Thanks *blush*
No one shall ever guess mine... :D
279.... nice.. lol
i've seen your boobies, i've seen your boobies!!
now, the next question is... did you submit a "nude boobie" photo? that might just be worth a $50 donation to see.....:D
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