Friday October 08, 2004
Well, there's a perfect horoscope for a Friday.General daily overview: The Moon in fiery Leo demonstrates her feelings with pride. This isn't always about being the boastful show-off. It can also represent the person with quiet confidence who is working backstage. Ultimately, the Leo Moon just needs to speak the truth out loud, and there can be a directness and relentlessness to how we now express our feelings. Additionally, mental Mercury forms a minor tense aspect with erratic Uranus, turning up the volume on our nervous system. Rest and relaxation may seem to be just around the next corner.
With the continuing transit of about a hundred planets in Libra, I'm thinking this weekend will be just perfect for staying in with your playmate, or picking up a new one for some intimacy of the slightly casual kind.
Although it doesn't mention anything about finding mobile phones. Meh.
posted by goldie @ 07:25 AM on 10.08.04
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