...and so I deliberately got up at 5 to see the sunrise.
Mmm. Spring! I love this week before Daylight Savings takes our bodyclocks an hour into the future. By 5.45 am, it's so bright outside the birds have stopped their morning song and wandered off to find food before harassing their mate for a shag. Romantic, eh?
The time seems right for a change of season.General daily overview: The Moon in Sagittarius requires us to envision not just what is in our immediate environment, but the whole picture. We need to stretch our minds as far as we can in order to make the most of this phase. And we are given impetus as mental Mercury forms an easy trine aspect with eccentric Uranus, turning our most stable ideas into fast-changing quicksilver. There's an electrical charge in the air as these two mental planets work together to create a superconductive atmosphere where intellectual sparks fly and original thoughts are easily expressed.
I'm handing in my Two Weeks Notice today. Wish me luck.
Today huh? How exciting! Enjoy it :) You don't need luck, you'll do great, and I'm sure that you will feel very relieved after you've done it.
Good for you!
You got up at sunrise? Okay you gotta stop doing that - giving the rest of us a bad name. You sure you didn't just get up to watch raunchy birds gettin' it on (insert bad 70s porn music here)...but seriously, congrats on the brave decision to go a-tempin' around this sunny, Springy city - give the horrid gals the real heave-ho once and for all! Mojitos and Cosmos all round :)