Thursday October 21, 2004
it's all (mostly) good

In the last 2 days I've had 3 large Strawberry Squeeze Boost Juice smoothies, a bowl of chicken soup, 20% of a plate of pud thai (bloody peanuts!), and a soggy baguette. My mouth feels like I haven't had vitamins in a month (or like I've been partying at a rave all night ;), but other than that it's not too bad. Especially when the nice young man with many funky piercings at Boost looked twice at me yesterday morning and said 'what a lovely smile!'. Heh.

My new recruitment agent, Samantha, didn't really notice them either. I think I might be falling in love with her already.

I got excellent results on Word, Excel and typing (53 wpm ain't bad for someone who types with 3 fingers), so that combined with the ridiculous amount of academic paraphenalia I have apparently makes me rather marketable. So much so, that she said she'd like to 'exclusively represent me' in the marketplace. *faints* Funny that, seeing as it's never worked for me before. I should have done this ages ago.

The real fun stuff happened when she said she knows the HR manager at Internode, an Adelaide start-up ISP who have expanded like all hell recently to cover the whole nation. Apparently I'd be perfect as a Sales Manager there, but she just gave out two similar positions last week.

"But never fear," she said, "I'm having lunch with my friend on Friday and I'm going to convince her that Internode needs you. They can't miss out on you now!"

HELLO Samantha. Will you marry me (in a platonic, I'm-already-married kinda way)?

posted by goldie @ 08:15 AM on 10.21.04 :  ping
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